Creating a New Brand
Branding | August 2020
Lead graphic designer
Featured Items
Moodboard, OnCall homepage, app loading screen, retail space, project samples and digital health moodboard
OSF HealthCare currently offers three on demand services to consumers: OSF OnCall, OSF Urgo and OSF SilverCloud. They provide care by giving those consumers who want convenience (not necessarily a relationship with a health care system…yet) the opportunity to choose where they receive it: virtually or in-person.
Anticipating the growth of future on demand services, OSF wants to coordinate a single growth strategy and help consumers recognize the products and services that fall under that strategy. Those products and services share a common thread of convenience, efficiency and a great value.
The style aligns to the OSF HealthCare brand while reflecting approachability, flexibility and fun.
Visit to view the final site design.
OSF OnCall Digital Health Moodboard
OSF OnCall Moodboard